
Statement by the President on Syria

BARACK OBAMA Good afternoon, everybody. Ten days ago, the world watched in horror as men, women and…

Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

BARACK OBAMA To the King family, who have sacrificed and inspired so much; to President Clinton; President…

Comparecencia por el caso Bárcenas

MARIANO RAJOY Señorías, Quiero que mis primeras palabras hoy ante esta Cámara sean de recuerdo y homenaje a las…

Jornada mundial de la juventud

PAPA FRANCISCO I Queridos jóvenes Al verlos a ustedes, presentes hoy aquí, me viene a la mente la…

Speech to Great Patriotic War veterans

VLADIMIR PUTIN Good afternoon. Once again, let me greet you all here at this site that is sacred for…

Morsi’s post-coup speech

In God’s Name the Most Gracious the Most Merciful I address all Egyptians, the opposition and the supporters, and would…

Discours d’abdication

Mesdames et Messieurs, C’est avec émotion que je m’adresse à chacune et chacun d’entre vous aujourd’hui. Je suis entré dans ma…

Welcome to Berlin, Mr. Obama

ANGELA MERKEL Mr President, my friend Barack Obama, Ladies and gentlemen, I know that many of you have been…

The spirit of Berlin

BARACK OBAMA Hello, Berlin! Thank you, Chancellor Merkel, for your leadership, your friendship, and the example of…

Speech at reception on Russia Day

VLADIMIR PUTIN Good afternoon, friends, Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, I congratulate you on Russia Day. This holiday grows in importance…