
Remarks after Bilateral Meeting with Barack Obama

MARIANO RAJOY Good afternoon. I will be giving you that advice so that you can come in second…

New York Mayor Inauguration Speech

Thank you, President Clinton, for your kind words. It was an honor to serve in your administration, and we’re…

Russian-Ukrainian Interstate Commission

VLADIMIR PUTIN Mr Yanukovych, colleagues, I have just had a very detailed discussion of practically all areas of our…

Mandela Memorial speech

Mama Graca Machel, Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela and the entire Mandela family and the abaThembu clan, Excellencies Heads of State…

Remembering Nelson Mandela

BARACK OBAMA To Graça Machel and the Mandela family; to President Zuma and members of the government;…

Address to Ukrainian people

Dear compatriots! In the nearest time I will have a broad TV interview and answer all the questions. But today…

President speech on typhoon Yolanda

Last Friday, Typhoon Yolanda ravaged a large part of the Visayas region. It was one of the strongest typhoons in…

Victory speech as Major of NY

Ladies and gentleman, give it up for the next First Lady of New York City! My fellow New Yorkers: today,…

Discurso en la XXIII Cumbre Iberoamericana

MARIANO RAJOY Señor presidente de la República de Panamá, señor secretario general de la SEGIB, señor presidente de…

Agreement to reopen our government

BARACK OBAMA Good evening, everybody. Tonight, the Republicans and Democrats in Congress have come together around an…