
Scotland referendum on 18 September 2014

ALEX SALMOND On 18th September 2014 people across Scotland will vote to determine their country’s future. It…

Cyprus is in a state of emergency

My fellow Cypriots, A fortnight ago you entrusted me with the leadership of the country. Assuming my duties, I promised…

Primer saludo del Santo Padre Francisco

PAPA FRANCISCO I Hermanos y hermanas, buenas tardes. Sabéis que el deber del cónclave era dar un Obispo…

Hugo Chávez ha muerto

Queridos compatriotas que nos escuchan y nos ven en todo el territorio de la Patria y nuestros hermanos del…

Discurso del estado de la nación

MARIANO RAJOY Señor presidente, señorías, 5.965.400. Esta cifra, por sí sola, refleja el aspecto más duro y dramático de…

Official Republican State of the Union Response speech

MARCO RUBIO Good evening. I’m Marco Rubio. I’m blessed to represent Florida in the United States Senate….

State of the Union speech

BARACK OBAMA Thank you. Please, everybody, have a seat. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress,…

Speech at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

ANGELA MERKEL Mr Schwab, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, I’m delighted to be back here again in Davos. The World Economic…

Europe’s speech

DAVID CAMERON This morning I want to talk about the future of Europe. But first, let us remember…

Inaugural Address

BARACK OBAMA Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow…