
El nuevo mapa geopolítico del mundo

En el transcurso de las dos últimas décadas ha tenido lugar una verdadera mutación del mapa geopolítico del mundo….

Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power

The epic 2012 presidential contest between President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney represents the stunning comeback of…

Performing Politics: Media Interviews, Debates and Press Conferences

For successful political leaders, public speaking is only half the battle. A good politician must also be a competent…

Political Communication in Africa

This book offers a comprehensive account of the nature and development of political communication in Africa. In light of…

The Social Basis of the Rational Citizen: How Political Communication in Social Networks Improves Civic Competence

Social networking lies at the heart of a number of fascinating political questions and social concerns, including citizen competence,…

Political Communication in Times of Crisis

During the first years of the 21th century we have witnessed many events in our societies, some of them…

Political Communication and Leadership: Mimetisation, Hugo Chavez and the construction of power and identity

The long-lasting hegemonic rule of President Hugo Chávez not only involved significant rearrangements in the control of political power…

Geopolítica. Una revisión de la Política mundial

Agnew atribuye a la Geopolítica un significado concreto: «el examen de los supuestos, clasificaciones y explicaciones geográficas que participan…

The Triumph of William McKinley: Why the Election of 1896 Still Matters

A fresh look at President William McKinley from New York Times bestselling author and political mastermind Karl Rove—“a rousing…

Intimate Politics: Publicity, Privacy and the Personal Lives of Politicians in Media Saturated Democracies

It is often remarked that politicians private lives are becoming a feature of political communication in many advanced industrial…