
Discurs d’investidura (1992)

Molt honorable senyor, senyores i senyors diputats, en compliment de l’encàrrec que em va fer el molt honorable president…

Farewell Address

Dear fellow countrymen, compatriots. Due to the situation which has evolved as a result of the formation of the…

Dissolving the Soviet Union (USSR)

Dear compatriots, fellow citizens, as a result of the newly formed situation, creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States,…

Address at the Madrid Peace Conference

The people of Israel look to this palace with great anticipation and expectation. We pray that this meeting will…

Press Conference on Soviet Situation

I spoke a short while ago to President Yeltsin in the Russian Parliamentary Building. I agreed with him to…

Climbed up on a tank

Citizens of Russia: On the night of 18-19 August 1991, the legally elected president of the country was removed…

Cumbre iberoamericana

Señor Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Señores Mandatarios, Su Majestad, Don Juan Carlos I de España, Señoras, Señores…

On the future of Yugoslavia (problems in Croatia)

Respected deputies, there is no citizen of Yugoslavia today who is not concerned for his own future and the…

El encaje de Cataluña en España

Somos el resultado de una historia, cuyo curso podemos inflexionar, y que debemos, en lo que no sea positivo,…

Sobre el informe de la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación

Compatriotas: Esta noche me dirijo a ustedes para tratar un tema doloroso que aún divide a los chilenos: el de…