
Discurso ante el Consejo de las Américas

HILLARY CLINTON Muchas gracias. Gracias. Estoy encantada de estar aquí. Sé que ha sido una jornada larga,…

Discurso de investidura

Presidenta anderea, legebiltzarkideok, egun on guztioi: Hona nator, Lehendakari izateko zuen konfiantza eske. Gaur egun handia da guztiontzat. Hiritarren asmo politikoak,…

Mac Pato

JOSÉ ‘PEPE’ MUJICA Queridos amigos: La vida ha sido extraordinariamente generosa conmigo. Me ha dado un sinfín de…

First 100 Days

BARACK OBAMA President Obama: Please, be seated. Before we begin tonight, I just want to provide everyone…

Un onore e un impegno

Cari amici, non è semplice trovare le parole per descrivere il mio, il nostro stato d’animo in questo momento. Ci troviamo…

We Have No Time to Lose

ANGELA MERKEL Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Distinguished Members of Congress, I would like to thank you for…

Jerusalem Quds Day Address

O God, hasten the reappearance of the Hidden Imam and grant him health and victory and make us his…

State of the Nation

BARACK OBAMA President Obama: Thank you very much. Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, and the…

Discurso de investidura

BARACK OBAMA Queridos conciudadanos: Me presento aquí hoy humildemente consciente de la tarea que nos aguarda, agradecido por…

The Farewell Address

GEORGE W. BUSH Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President….