
125 aniversario del Partido Socialista de Euskadi

La verdad es que éste es uno de esos actos que merecen la pena. En el que nos hemos…

Speech on immigration

DAVID CAMERON A year ago, we were in the middle of a general election campaign. And there…

Notre détermination est totale

«Aujourd’hui se sont réunis à Paris les dirigeants de la Ligue des Etats arabes de l’Union européenne des Etats-Unis…

Celebrazioni del 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia

Sento di dover rivolgere un riconoscente saluto ai tanti che hanno raccolto l’appello a festeggiare e a celebrare i…

Just like Franco in Spain

«They are finished, they are wiped out. From tomorrow you will only find our people. You all go out…

Devastador tsunami

La región de Tohoku y el Pacífico ha sido azotada por un terremoto nunca antes vivido de magnitud 9.0….

2º Discurso durante la rebelión

Pueblo y mujeres de Egipto, me dirijo hoy a vosotros. Me dirijo a los jóvenes de Egipto en la…

At the 47th Munich Security Conference

ANGELA MERKEL Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Mr Ischinger, Dear David Cameron, Among all guests, I would like to particularly welcome…

Honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University

ANGELA MERKEL Mr President, Deans, members and friends of Tel Aviv University, Honoured guests, Students, I am delighted to be back…

Speech after mass protest

I talk to you during critical times that are testing Egypt and its people which could sweep them into…