
10e anniversaire du 11 septembre

Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, Chers amis, Aux heures les plus sombres de son histoire, la France a toujours pu compter sur le peuple…

Som un país imparable

Em preguntava si aquest lloc, la institució més important d’aquest país, imposava, i creieu-me que imposa, i molt. Si…

The Jobs Speech

BARACK OBAMA Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, and fellow Americans: Tonight we meet at an…

Statement on Libya

DAVID CAMERON I have just come from chairing a meeting of the National Security Council on the…

UK Riots: Statement in Parliament

DAVID CAMERON With permission, I would like to make a statement. First, let me thank the Speaker and…

London Riots

DAVID CAMERON Good morning. I’ve come straight from a meeting of the Government’s Cobra committee for dealing…

Address by Prime Minister in Oslo Cathedral

Your Majesties, Dear Eskil, Dear all of you, It is nearly two days since Norway was hit by the worst atrocity…

Utøya was a national tragedy

Last night, it became apparent that what happened at the Labour Youth League summer camp on Utøya yesterday was…

Discurso de dimisión

Voy a hablar con la dignidad de los valencianos, sobre todo con la dignidad y el orgullo de ser…

Rubalcaba candidato socialista

Nunca imaginé que hubiera tantas erres en el diccionario, tantas palabras que empiezan por R (alude al vídeo que se…