
Sobre la declaración independentista del Parlament catalán

MARIANO RAJOY Señoras y señores, muy buenos días y muchas gracias por su asistencia a esta convocatoria. Desde que…

Democratic Socialism in the United States

BERNIE SANDERS In his inaugural remarks in January 1937, in the midst of the Great Depression, President…

Prime Minister’s speech on Europe

DAVID CAMERON Almost 3 years ago, I made a speech about Europe. I argued that the European Union…

Justin Trudeau’s speech: As a prime minister of Canada

JUSTIN TRUDEAU Canadians from all across this country sent a message that it is time for real…

Discurso en la noche electoral de las elecciones Generales a presidente

MAURICIO MACRI ¡Buenas noches! La verdad que esto es mucha emoción, mucha felicidad, y a uno le da muchas…

Indigitaçao do Primeiro-Ministro a Passos Coelho

ANIBAL CAVACO SILVA Portugueses Na Comunicaçao ao País que realizei no dia 6 de outubro, afirmei que Portugal…

Adress to the President of Syria Bashar Assad

VLADIMIR PUTIN Mr President, Let me wish you a warm welcome to Moscow. Despite the dramatic situation in your…

Statement to the European Parliament

ANGELA MERKEL President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Distinguished colleagues at…

70th session of the UN General Assembly

VLADIMIR PUTIN Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished heads of state and government, Ladies and gentlemen, The 70th anniversary of the United Nations…

Intervention devant l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des Nations unies

FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Secrétaire général, Mesdames, Messieurs, Notre organisation, l’ONU, célèbre son 70e anniversaire. Des progrès immenses…