
Discurso del Presidente Obama al Pueblo Cubano

BARACK OBAMA Gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Presidente Castro, el pueblo cubano, muchas gracias por la…

To the People of Cuba

BARACK OBAMA Thank you. (Applause.) Muchas gracias. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. President Castro, the…

Discours de Philippe de Belgique sûr les attentats à Bruxeles

PHILIPPE DE BELGIQUE (ROI) Mesdames et Messieurs, Aujourd’hui, notre pays est en deuil. Pour chacun de nous, ce 22…

Discours de François Hollande sur les Attentats à Bruxelles

FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Messieurs les Ministres, Messieurs, Mesdames, Nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui en Conseil de l’attractivité, mais vous n’ignorez rien de…

Apertura de la Asamblea legislativa

MAURICIO MACRI Señores gobernadores, señores miembros de la Corte Suprema, representantes de gobiernos extranjeros, invitados especiales, integrantes del…

Address following adoption of a joint statement by Russia and US on Syria

VLADIMIR PUTIN I just had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Barack Obama….

On the Passing of the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

BARACK OBAMA Good evening, everybody. For almost 30 years, Justice Antonin “Nino” Scalia was a larger-than-life presence…

Victory speech on New Hampshire primary

BERNIE SANDERS Thank you, New Hampshire. (APPLAUSE) Shortly after the polls closed, Secretary Clinton called and was very gracious…

Supporting Syria and the Region conference

ANGELA MERKEL Secretary-General Ban, Emir Al-Sabah,Your Majesty King Abdullah, Prime Minister DavutoÄŸlu, Prime Minister Salam, Erna Solberg, David Cameron, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me…

Speech at Islamic Society of Baltimore

BARACK OBAMA Well, good afternoon. And, Sabah, thank you for the wonderful introduction and for your example…