
Attentat en Isère

FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Mesdames, Messieurs, Je suis sorti du Conseil européen, qui a commencé d’ailleurs alors que l’on apprenait l’attentat qui…

Presidential Announcement Speech

DONALD TRUMP Wow. Whoa. That is some group of people. Thousands. So nice, thank you very much. That’s really…

2016 Presidential Announcement Speech

JEB BUSH Thank you all very much. I always feel welcome at Miami-Dade College. This is a…

Clinton’s Campaign Launch Speech

HILLARY CLINTON Thank you! Oh, thank you all! Thank you so very, very much. It is wonderful to…

Speech on immigration

DAVID CAMERON Two weeks ago the people of Britain spoke. They voted for a majority Conservative government….

Election 2015: Prime Minister’s speech

DAVID CAMERON I’ve just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a…

2016 Presidential Announcement Speech

BERNIE SANDERS Thank you all very very much for being out here today. Let me just make…

2016 Presidential Announcement Speech

MARCO RUBIO Thank you. After months of deliberation and prayer about the future of our country, I have…

Presidential Campaign Announcement Speech

TED CRUZ Thank you so much, President Falwell. God bless Liberty University. I am thrilled to join you…

Discurso de despedida

JOSÉ ‘PEPE’ MUJICA Querido pueblo: muy en cuenta de mi estilo, porque no quiero aburrirte, he escrito…