
American Enterprise Institute (The Future of Iraq)

GEORGE W. BUSH Thanks for the warm welcome. I’m proud to be with the scholars, and the friends,…

Discours à l’ONU

Je remercie MM. Blix et El Baradeï pour les indications qu’ils viennent de nous fournir sur la poursuite des…

Memorial Service for Columbia Astronauts

GEORGE W. BUSH Their mission was almost complete, and we lost them so close to home. The men…

Farewell Address to Czech Citizens

My dear fellow citizens, In late 1989, the profound transformation that took place in this country brought me here to…

Columbia Disaster

GEORGE W. BUSH My fellow Americans, this day has brought terrible news and great sadness to our country….

Discurso de posse do presidente

Exmos. Srs. Chefes de Estado e de Governo; senhoras e senhores; visitantes e chefes das missões especiais estrangeiras; Exmo….

Mensaje presidencial de fin de año

Buenas noches a la familia reunida hoy a esperar el nuevo año. Buenas noches también a los que están…

Bali memorial speech

As the sun sets over this beautiful island we gather here in sorrow, in anguish, in disbelief and in…

Speech On Bali Bombing

Ladies and gentlemen, I know that I speak for all Australians, and I mean all Australians, in expressing a…

La amenaza iraquí

GEORGE W. BUSH Buenos días. Esta semana, líderes del Congreso acordaron una fuerte resolución bipartita autorizando el uso de…