
Hurricane Sandy Speech

BARACK OBAMA First of all, I want to thank Gail and Charlie who are on the scene…

Noble Peace Prize to the European Union

Ladies and gentlemen, I have to say that when I woke up this morning, I did not expect it to…

The Misogyny speech

Thank you very much Deputy Speaker and I rise to oppose the motion moved by the Leader of the…

Speech to the United Nations General Assembly

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU It’s a pleasure to see the General Assembly presided by the Ambassador from Israel, and it’s…

Discurso en la Asamblea General de la ONU

MARIANO RAJOY Señor presidente de la Asamblea General, señor secretario general, señoras y señores jefes de Estado y…

Necessitem un Estat

ARTUR MAS De totes les tribunes que he fet a Madrid, aquesta és la més delicada de…

Democratic Convention Speech

BARACK OBAMA Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. (Cheers, applause.) Thank you. Michelle,…

Speech to the Democratic National Convention

MICHELLE OBAMA Thank you so much, Elaine…we are so grateful for your family’s service and sacrifice…and we will…

Speech to the Democratic National Convention

Hey, Delaware. (Cheers, applause.) Hello, my fellow Democrats. (Cheers, applause.) And my favorite Democrat, Jilly, I want you to know…

Speech to the Democratic National Convention

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. (Sustained cheers, applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now,…