
Statement by the President on Cuba Policy Changes

BARACK OBAMA Good afternoon. Today, the United States of America is changing its relationship with the people…

Cambio de relaciones con el pueblo de Cuba

BARACK OBAMA Buenas tardes. Hoy, Estados Unidos de América empieza a cambiar su relación con el pueblo…

The Martin Place siege in Sydney

TONY ABBOTT Early this morning the Martin Place siege ended with the death of the lone gunman…

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

VLADIMIR PUTIN Today’s address will be related to the current situation and conditions, as well as the tasks…

Discurso en el Parlamento Europeo

PAPA FRANCISCO I Queridos amigos: Les agradezco que me hayan invitado a tomar la palabra ante esta institución…

Speech after Announcement of the Decision by the Grand Jury in Ferguson

BARACK OBAMA As you know, a few moments ago, the grand jury deliberating the death of Michael…

Address to the Nation on Immigration

BARACK OBAMA My fellow Americans, tonight, I’d like to talk with you about immigration. For more than 200…

Speech at the 6th Falling Walls Conference

ANGELA MERKEL Professor Turner, Professor Mlynek, Professor Eissenhauer, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Thinking over, rethinking, thinking ahead – that’s what you’ve come…

Sobre la consulta catalana

MARIANO RAJOY Señoras y señores, muy buenos días y muchas gracias por su asistencia a esta convocatoria. Como saben,…

Signatura del decret de consulta

ARTUR MAS Acabo de signar el decret de convocatòria que ha de fer possible que el proper…