
Narendra Modi’s Speech on Independence Day

NARENDRA MODI My dear countrymen, From the ramparts of Red Fort, I greet 125 crore fellow countrymen –…

Donald Trump’s speech on fighting terrorism

DONALD TRUMP Thank you. It is great to be with you this afternoon. Today we begin a conversation about how to…

Discurso de Michelle Obama en la Convención Demócrata

MICHELLE OBAMA Gracias a todos. Muchísimas gracias. ¿Saben? Es difícil creer que hayan pasado ocho años desde que…

DNC 2016. Michelle Obama speech

MICHELLE OBAMA Thank you all, thank you so much. It is hard to believe that it has been…

Bernie Sanders speech. Remarks for the Democratic National Convention

BERNIE SANDERS Good evening. How great it is to be with you tonight. Let me begin by thanking the…

Donald Trump’s Acceptance republican nomination speech

DONALD TRUMP Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of…

I don’t endorse Donald Trump. Ted Cruz speech

TED CRUZ Thank you, and god bless each and every one of you. Heidi and I are so…

David Cameron’s speech. Departing words as Prime Minister

DAVID CAMERON When I first stood here in Downing Street on that evening in May 2010, I…

Theresa May’s speech. Statement from the new Prime Minister

THERESA MAY I have just been to Buckingham Palace, where Her Majesty The Queen has asked me to…

Bernie Sanders Speech. Why I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton

BERNIE SANDERS Let me begin by thanking the 13 million Americans who voted for me during the…