
Campaigning for Hearts and Minds: How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work

It is common knowledge that televised political ads are meant to appeal to voters’ emotions, yet little is known…

Antología del discurso político

De Zhöu Göngdàn a Galileo, de Burke a Evo Morales, de Lord Byron a Angela Merkel… 130 oradores toman…

House of cards y la filosofía: La República de Underwood

¿Sobrestimamos la democracia? ¿El poder corrompe? ¿O es que los corruptos ansían el poder? ¿Las grandes empresas mueven los…

All Out War: The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain’s Political Class

Based on unrivalled access to all the key politicians and their advisors – including Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, George…

The Political Mind: A Cognitive Scientist’s Guide to Your Brain and Its Politics

One of the world ‘s best-known linguists and cognitive scientists, George Lakoff has a knack for making science make…

The Reagan Persuasion: Charm, Inspire, and Deliver a Winning Message

Persuade, mentor, and motivate like the Great Communicator More than just an influential speaker, Ronald Reagan was a master…

Music and Politics

It is common to hear talk of how music can inspire crowds, move individuals and mobilise movements. We know…

The Brexit Club: The Inside Story of the Leave Campaign’s Shock Victory

From Boris Johnson to Nigel Farage, George Galloway to Michael Gove, the campaign to get Britain out of the…

Campaign Craft: The Strategies, Tactics, and Art of Political Campaign Management

A lively, comprehensive exploration of modern political campaign management in the Internet age, based on real-world practices and results…

¿Por qué los profesionales no comunicamos mejor?

Un libro útil y práctico, que combina ejemplos sacados de la trayectoria profesional del autor y su trato con…