
Discurso de Investidura 2008

Señor Presidente, señoras y señores Diputados, Hoy nos sentamos en esta Cámara porque mañana hará un mes que los españoles…

The Cost of War

BARACK OBAMA Five years ago, the war in Iraq began. And on this fifth anniversary, we honor…

Devant le Parlement britannique

Madame le Speaker de la Chambre des lords, Monsieur le Speaker de la Chambre des communes, Monsieur le Premier ministre, Mesdames et…

To the Knesset in Jerusalem

ANGELA MERKEL Mr President, Madam Speaker, Prime Minister, Madam President of the Supreme Court, Honourable Members of the Knesset, Ladies and gentlemen, Madam…

A more perfect Union

BARACK OBAMA We the people, in order to form a more perfect union. Two hundred and twenty one…

The Sorry Speech: indigenous stolen generations

I move: That today we honour the indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect…

Super Tuesday

BARACK OBAMA Before I begin, I just want to send my condolences to the victims of the…

VÅ“ux aux armées et aux anciens combattants

Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Monsieur le Ministre de la Défense, Monsieur le Ministre, Chère Simone VEIL, Mesdames et Messieurs, J’ai souhaité vous réunir pour…

Yes we can

BARACK OBAMA I want to congratulate Senator Clinton on a hard-fought victory here in New Hampshire. A few…

Iowa Caucus Night

BARACK OBAMA Thank you, Iowa. You know, they said this day would never come. They said our sights were…