

Touché de plus en plus par de graves considérations, conduit à juger de sang-froid les conséquences d’une révolution qui…

Conservative principles

We feel deeply and intimately that in the union of the conservative party in the country is one of…

Address Before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois

As a subject for the remarks of the evening, the perpetuation of our political institutions, is selected. In the great…

The «Finality» spech (Against Reform Act)

The hon. Member who moved the amendment has brought forward questions which have also been dwelt upon by…

Manifiesto de Arciniega

Voluntarios: La revolución vencida y humillada, próxima a sucumbir a vuestro esfuerzo sobrehumano, ha librado su esperanza en armas…

Speech on Independence Day

Why is it, Friends and Fellow Citizens, that you are here assembled? Why is it, that, entering upon the…

A las Vascongadas

Ha llegado la ocasión de que os convenzáis cuan engañados os tienen los agentes de la usurpación mas injusta…

Al enemigo

Largo tiempo habéis combatido con más valor que fortuna en defensa de una causa que criminales ambiciosos han…

First Inaugural Adress

Fellow-Citizens: The practice of all my predecessors imposes on me an obligation I cheerfully fulfill—to accompany the first and…

Farewell Address

Fellow-Citizens: Being about to retire finally from public life, I beg leave to offer you my grateful thanks for the…