
Defensa de la moral religiosa

El principio de su señoría, bien analizado su discurso es el siguiente: en la política interior, la legalidad; todo…

The Oregon Bill

If he should possess a philosophical turn of mind, and be disposed to look to more remote and recondite…

Conquest of Mexico

«RESOLVED, That to conquer Mexico and to hold it, either as a province or to incorporate it into the…

Ritiro delle truppe pontificie dalla guerra contro l’Austria

Più volte, o venerabili fratelli, noi abbiamo detestato nel nostro consesso l’audacia di alcuni che non avevano dubitato di…

The Annexation of Cracow

The hon. member for Montrose having made his motion, I shall, without entering on the general…

Proclama Carlista

Españoles: Cumplia à mi dignidad y mis sentimientos esperar el desenlace de los acontecimientos que hoy veo, sin sorpresa,…

Final ministerial speech in the House of Commons

Sir, I have now executed the task which my public duty imposed upon me. I trust I have said…

Resignation speech in the House of Commons

Sir, I now close the observations which it has been my duty to address to the House, thanking them…

War Message (Mexico)

The existing state of the relations between the United States and Mexico renders it proper that I should bring…

The repeal of the Corn Laws

Sir, I would fain hope, that although the course which I take is an unusual one, yet that I…