
Belgium and payments to Russia

The noble lord said that the payment to Russia was made for services done and performed by Russia, which…

Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States

The bill » to modify and continue » the act entitled «An act to incorporate the subscribers to the…

Por una Colombia libre

SIMÓN BOLÍVAR Colombianos: Habéis presenciado mis esfuerzos para plantear la libertad donde reinaba antes la tiranía. He trabajado con…

Mensaje al Congreso Constituyente de la República de Colombia

SIMÓN BOLÍVAR ¡Conciudadanos! Séame permitido felicitaros por la reunión del congreso, que a nombre de la nación va a…

State of the Union Address

Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: It affords me pleasure to tender my friendly greetings…

Roman Catholic Relief Bill

It is now my duty to move your lordships to read this bill a second time, and to explain…

First Inaugural Address

Fellow-Citizens: ABOUT to undertake the arduous duties that I have been appointed to perform by the choice…

Catholic Emancipation

Nearly the most painful circumstance that could be imposed on a public man, in the performance of a public…

Fourth Annual Message

Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: If the enjoyment in profusion of…

Campaign Speech

My fellow Americans, the upcoming national elections present a very important choice. We can forge a “true” representative democracy…