
The War in America and the Supply of Cotton

Now I shall not go into a long argument upon this question, for the reason that a year ago…

Blood and Iron Speech

The Conflict is viewed too tragically, and presented too tragically in the press; the regime does not seek war….

Address on Colonization to a Committee of Colored Men

This afternoon the President of the United States gave audience to a Committee of colored men at the White…

The crisis of the Prussian Constitution

After the election of last fall we could hope that the ministry, supported by the progressive consciousness of the…

To Congress of the Confederate States

The few weeks which have elapsed since your adjournment have brought us so near the close of the year…

July 4th Message to Congress

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: Having been convened on an extraordinary occasion, as authorized by the Constitution,…

Confederacy’s willingness to fight

Friends and Fellow-Citizens: I thank you for the compliment that your presence conveys. It is an indication of regard, not…

I rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa

Signori Senatori. All’annunzio delle interpellanze fattomi in una tornata degli ultimi giorni della scorsa settimana, io mi sentii alquanto sgomento, dacché…

Roma, capitale

L’onorevole deputato Audinot vel disse senza riserva: Roma debb’essere la capitale d’Italia. E lo diceva con ragione; non vi…

Cornerstone Speech

When perfect quiet is restored, I shall proceed. I cannot speak so long as there is any noise or…