
Second Inaugural Address

Fellow Countrymen: At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an…

Contestación al Discurso de la Corona

Al levantarme, señores Diputados, a usar la palabra en el día de hoy, me lisonjea la esperanza de que…

La capitale del Regno

L’Italia per aver voluto a parer mio troppo precipitare il corso degli eventi, e spingere agli estremi desideri immaturi, è giunta…

Denmark and Germany (Danish-Prussian War)

Mr. Speaker,—Some of the longest and most disastrous wars of modern Europe have been wars of succession. The Thirty…

Proclama del Emperador

Mexicanos: ¡Vosotros me habéis deseado! Vuestra noble Nación, por una mayoría espontánea me ha designado para velar de hoy en…

Les libertés nécessaires

Pour moi, messieurs, il y a cinq conditions qui constituent ce que j’appelle le nécessaire en fait de liberté. La…

American Civil War, the European situation and the conduct of Great Britain overseas

It is to me, as your representative, a very happy and pleasant omen to find my arrival here greeted…

Gettysburg Adress

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and…

Discurs de Gettisburg

Fa vuitanta-set anys els nostres pares van fundar en aquest continent una nova nació, concebuda en la llibertat i…

The first two years of war

Friends and Fellow-Citizens, Gentlemen of the House of Representatives and Senate of the State of Mississippi: After an absence…