
Address to the Belgian Parliament

Gentlemen: Never, since 1839, has a more solemn hour struck for Belgium: the integrity of our territory is threatened. The very…

Speech from the Balcony of the Royal Palace

A momentous hour has struck for Germany. Envious rivals everywhere force us to legitimate defense. The sword has been…

L’Allemagne et l’Autriche (dernier discours)

CITOYENS, Je veux vous dire ce soir que jamais nous n’avons été, que jamais depuis quarante ans l’Europe n’a été…

En favor del abandono de Marruecos

Señores diputados, no extrañará seguramente a nadie mi intervención en este debate, no obstante haber llevado la representación de…

Vieja y nueva política

Antes de comenzar a decir lo que he de deciros tengo que empezar dándoos gracias por la benévola curiosidad…

Freedom or Death speech

I do not come here as an advocate, because whatever position the suffrage movement may occupy in the United…

Adress at Gettisburg

Friends and Fellow Citizens: I need not tell you what the Battle of Gettysburg meant. These gallant men in blue…

First Inaugural Adress

THERE has been a change of government. It began two years ago, when the House of Representatives became Democratic…

Manifiesto a la Nación

La victoria se acerca, la lucha toca a su fin. Se libran ya los últimos combates y en estos…

The Bull Moose speech (Assasination attempt)

Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that…