
Ireland unfree shall never be at peace

It has seemed right, before we turn away from this place in which we have laid the mortal remains…

On the Italian Declaration of War

The King of Italy has declared war on me. Perfidy whose like history does not know was committed by the…

On the Italian Declaration of War

The King of Italy has declared war on me. Perfidy whose like history does not know was committed by the…

Italian Entry into the War

I address myself to Italy and to the civilized world in order to show not by violent words, but…

Speech before the Canadian Club of Halifax

Those upon whom the duty of directing public affairs has fallen during the past four months are sensible of…

Neutralidad en la guerra

El Gobierno de S.M., respondiendo a la cortés invitación de la minoría de la conjunción republicano-socialista, tiene una verdadera…

Ottoman call to arms

To my army! To my navy! Immediately after the war between the Great Powers began, I called you to…

Address to Congress about the war

The effect of the war upon the United States will depend upon what American citizens say and do. …

To the Guards at Potsdam

Former generations as well as those who stand here today have often seen the soldiers of the First Guard…

First war address

Gentlemen: France has just been the object of a violent and premeditated attack, which is an insolent defiance of the…