
La rebeldía

Si habéis de ingresar en una disciplina rutinaria y atávica, de jerarquías y de pontífices, de adhesión incondicional y…

The White Man’s Burden

The memory of the evening spent with the American society, Thanksgiving day, two and a half years ago, is…

The Democratic Tasks of the Revolutionary Proletariat

The Social Democratic Party, as the conscious exponent of the working-class movement, aims at the complete liberation of…

We are socialists!

Gentlemen of the bench, gentlemen representatives of the estates! The question of an armed rising — a question which,…

The Man with the Muck Rake

Over a century ago Washington laid the corner stone of the Capitol in what was then little more than…

I warn the Government

Mr. Speaker, sir, in whatever section of the House hon. members may sit, or however profoundly they may differ from…

Projet de séparation des Églises et de l’État

Le 10 février dernier, vous avez déclaré, à une forte majorité que les circonstances ayant rendu inévitable la séparation…

First Inaugural Adress

MY fellow-citizens, no people on earth have more cause to be thankful than ours, and this is said reverently,…

State of the Union Address

The Nation continues to enjoy noteworthy prosperity. Such prosperity is of course primarily due to the high individual average…

Strength and Decency

I am particularly glad to see such a society as this flourishing as your society has flourished, because the future…