
Our State and Empire

SOLDIERS: We are in the midst of a heavy battle with the foe. If numerical superiority alone were to…

A los pueblos engañados

El Cuartel General a mi cargo, siempre deseoso de encarrilar a los pueblos por el sendero de la libertad,…

A Rally Of Red Army Men At Khodynka

(Enthusiastic applause.) The Russian revolution has charted the road to socialism for the whole world and has shown the…

Discurso de clausura del Congreso de la CNT

Compañeros: os agradeceré un poco de silencio, lo que espero de vuestra benevolencia, porque mis condiciones físicas no permitirán,…

Construir el ejercito revolucionario

Camaradas, asistimos a un congreso de excepcional importancia. Los partidos representados en esta reunión tienen a sus espaldas un gran pasado revolucionario. Sin embargo, es…

On the Death of Theodore Roosevelt

The people of our Commonwealth have learned with profound sorrow of the death of Theodore Roosevelt. No other citizen…

Je fais la guerre

M. Georges Clemenceau, président du Conseil, ministre de la Guerre : J’aurai voulu m’associer pleinement aux paroles de monsieur…

Response to the Wilson Addendum

Many questions must be settled at the peace conference, but the question of Belgium is the best touchstone of…

Allies war aims

Is not this dwelling upon the word «only» one of the most unreasonable perversions of a public document? You…

Addendum to the Fourteen Points (Address to Congress)

After all, the test of whether it is possible for either Government to go any further in this comparison…