
La suerte ya está echada

FRANCISCO FRANCO El ejército fue el crisol en que se fundió la común inquietud de nuestras juventudes. La unión sagrada que…

You Do Your Worst – and We Will do Our Best

The impressive and inspiring spectacle we have witnessed displays the vigour and efficiency of the civil defence forces. They…

The perfidious military attack by Hitlerite Germany

Comrades, citizens, brothers and sisters, men of our Army and Navy! My words are addressed to you, dear friends! The perfidious…

The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union

German people! National Socialists! After long months when I was forced to keep silent, despite heavy concerns, the time has come…

On the Nazi Invasion of the Soviet Union

Citizens of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Government and its head, Comrade Stalin, have authorized me to make the following…

The Birth Throes of a Sublime Resolve (‘The Old Lion’)

I am grateful, President Valentine, for the honour which you have conferred upon me in making me a Doctor…

Un año de guerra

Camaradas, el de hoy es un día solemne y memorable. Hace justo un año entramos en la guerra. Ha sido un año…

On British war aims

It would be foolish to belittle Hitler’s conquest of the greater part of the continent of Europe; it is…

On U.S. Involvement in the War in Europe

FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT President Reynolds, my friends, this dinner of the White House Correspondents is unique. It…

Give Us The Tools

When Mr. Wendell Willkie visited Britainat the end of January he carried a letter of introduction from President Roosevelt…