
Speech at the Berlin Sportspalast

My German Fellow Countrymen and Women, My Comrades! At present everybody speaks before the forum which seems to them the…

Preparation – Liberation – Assault

It is with feelings of pride and encouragement that I find myself here in the House of Commons of…

Message de noël adressé aux enfants de France

Quel bonheur, mes enfants, de vous parler ce soir de Noël. Oh ! je sais que tout n’est pas…

Declaration of War on the US

Deputies, Men of the German Reichstag! A year of events of historical significance is drawing to an end. A…

Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation

FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of…

Discours de l’Albert Hall

Le voyageur qui gravit la montée s’arrête parfois quelques instants pour mesurer le chemin parcouru et s’orienter vers le…

On anniversary celebration of the October Revolution

Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women workers, men and women collective…

Never Give In

Almost a year has passed since I came down here at your Head Master’s kind invitation in order to…

Terror by the Fascist Bandits

JOSIP BROZ TITO THE savage murder of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes continues. It is not only hangmen of…

Le vent mauvais

« Français, « J’ai des choses graves à vous dire. De plusieurs régions de France, je sens se lever depuis…