
Conservative party conference in Brighton

Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, most of my Cabinet colleagues have started their speeches of reply by paying very…

«The lady’s not for turning»

Mr chairman, ladies and gentlemen, most of my Cabinet colleagues have started their speeches of reply by paying very…

Republican National Convention Acceptance Address

RONALD REAGAN Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. (They’re singing our song.) Thank you…

Statement on the Iran Rescue Mission

Late yesterday, I cancelled a carefully planned operation which was underway in Iran to position our rescue team for…

Discurs d’investidura

Honorable senyor President, senyores i senyors Diputats, en compliment de l’encàrrec que em va fer l’Honorable President del Parlament,…

True Liberation Of Women

For several decades the All-India Women’s Conference has been the organized voice of the women of India. I have…

Speech on Afghanistan

I come to you this evening to discuss the extremely important and rapidly changing circumstances in Southwest Asia. I continue…

Foreign Policy Of Great Britain

As I speak today, 1979 – and with it the 1970s– has less than two weeks to run. I…

The Crisis of Confidence

Good evening. This is a special night for me. Exactly 3 years ago, on July 15, 1976, I accepted…

Socialistas antes que marxistas

Quiero advertir ante todo que hablo como militante del partido y no como secretario general. También quiero recordar a…