
Honorary doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

ANGELA MERKEL Your Magnificence, President Menachem Magidor, Excellencies, Representatives of the university, Guests from Germany, Ms Knobloch, whom I welcome by…

Discurso de dos años de Presidencia

COMPATRIOTAS TODOS, quienes están aquí en la noche de hoy, quienes están siguiendo en las pantallas de televisión este…

Speech at the Munich Security Conference

VLADIMIR PUTIN Thank you very much dear Madam Federal Chancellor, Mr Teltschik, ladies and gentlemen! I am truly grateful…

To the European Parliament

ANGELA MERKEL Mr President, Hans-Gert Pottering, predecessors of the President, colleagues at the European Parliament, Commission President! Mr President, you are…

Announcement for President

BARACK OBAMA Let me begin by saying thanks to all you who’ve traveled, from far and wide,…

Toma de posesión

Más tarde me presentaré ante el Congreso de la Unión para rendir la protesta constitucional, tal como lo establece…

Role of disarmament and non-proliferation

Let me begin by saying how delighted I am to have been invited to give this address by a…

Acceptance speech EU High Representative

Excellencies, distinguished guests, dear friends, I am honoured but also humbled by the decision of the Carnegie Foundation to present…

Discurs d’investidura (2006)

Moltes gràcies, molt honorable senyor president del Parlament. Molt honorable president de la Generalitat de Catalunya, senyores i senyors…

Discurso como presidente reeleito

Meus amigos, minhas amigas, aqui representados pelos companheiros dirigentes dos partidos que apoiaram nossa campanha, nossos queridos companheiros trabalhadores,…