
The «Marshall Plan»

I’m profoundly grateful and touched by the great distinction and honor and great compliment accorded me by the authorities…

UN General Assembly

First of all, I should like to try to clarify further the nature of the problem which the mandatory…

«The Truman Doctrine»

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Congress of the United States. The gravity of the situation which confronts the…

Il governo tripartito

ALCIDE DE GASPERI Onorevoli colleghi, molte e gravi furono le responsabilità che nella mia carriera politica dovetti assumere…

Speech at the Plenary Session of the Paris Peace Conference

Mr. Chairman, Messrs. Delegates, On behalf of the Albanian people and their government, I greet the Paris Conference, wishing it full…

Discorso alla Conferenza di pace di Parigi

ALCIDE DE GASPERI Prendendo la parola in questo consesso mondiale sento che tutto, tranne la vostra personale cortesia,…

A la carga!

Por la razón por la cual este movimiento no es personalista sino doctrinario, por la razón elemental de que…

Reply to Churchill

In substance, Mr. Churchill now stands in the position of a firebrand of war. And Mr. Churchill is not…

The Sinews of Peace

I am glad to come to Westminster College this afternoon, and am complimented that you should give me a…

Message to the Congress on the State of the Union

A quarter century ago the Congress decided that it could no longer consider the financial programs of the various…