
Segregation Now, Segregation Forever

Governor Patterson, Governor Barnette, from one of the greatest states in this nation, Mississippi, Judge Brown, representing Governor Hollings…

Black Man’s History

I want to thank Allah for coming and giving to us our leader and teacher here in America, The…

United Nations Security Council Address on Soviet Missiles in Cuba

Mr. President, Members of the Council, today we must address out attention to the realities of the situation posed…

Report to the American People on the Soviet Arms Buildup in Cuba

Good evening my fellow citizens: This Government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet Military buildup on…

Discorso alla luna (Concilio Vaticano II)

Cari figlioli, sento le vostre voci. La mia è una voce sola, ma riassume la voce del mondo intero….

Moon speech

President Pitzer, Mr. Vice President, Governor, Congressman Thomas, Senator Wiley, and Congressman Miller, Mr. Webb, Mr. Bell, scientists, distinguished…

El contubernio de Munich

En circunstancias normales habría ocupado vuestra atención con opiniones sobre el tema general de este congreso: la democratización de las instituciones europeas, como vocal…

European Economic Community

The debate yesterday has, I think, thoroughly justified our demand that the House should debate the Common Market before…

Argelia decidira su propio futuro

Dentro de 23 días, el problema argelino, en su sustancia, quedará solucionado para Francia. Argelia decidirá su propio futuro. Argelia y Francia serán capaces de…

The Mouseland speech

It’s the story of a place called Mouseland. Mouseland was a place where all the little mice lived and…