
A Europa connosco

Caros Camaradas: É uma honra e além disso uma extraordinária alegria para o Partido Socialista e para mim, pessoalmente, poder…

Kensington Town Hall «Britain Awake» (The Iron Lady)

The first duty of any Government is to safeguard its people against external aggression. To guarantee the survival of…

Discurso de Proclamación como Rey

En esta hora cargada de emoción y esperanza, llena de dolor por los acontecimientos que acabamos de vivir, asumo…

Españoles, Franco ha muerto

Españoles: Franco ha muerto. El hombre de excepción que ante Dios y ante la Historia asumió la inmensa responsabilidad…

Testamento político

FRANCISCO FRANCO Españoles: al llegar para mí la hora de rendir la vida ante el Altísimo y comparecer…

The free society speech

The first Conservative Party Conference I attended was in 1946. I came to it as an undergraduate representing Oxford University…

Clemency for Vietnam Era Draft Evaders

Good morning: In my first week as President, I asked the Attorney General and the Secretary of Defense to report…

United Nations General Assembly

In the name of the people of Palestine and the leader of its national struggle, the Palestine Liberation organization,…

Pardoning Richard Nixon

Ladies and gentlemen: I have come to a decision which I felt I should tell you and all of my…

White House Farewell

I think the record should show that this is one of those spontaneous things that we always arrange whenever…