
Conceding the Election

Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Manhattan Club:-I accepted your invitation under the idea that this was to be…

Protesta como Presidente electo

Ciudadanos Diputados: La protesta que acabo de hacer ante vosotros de desempeñar leal y patrióticamente el encargo de Presidente de…

Apertura del Congreso

Ciudadanos Diputados: La revolución que felizmente acaba de consumar el pueblo mexicano, habría sido una irreparable desgracia para la República,…

First Inaugural Adress

Fellow-Citizens: WE have assembled to repeat the public ceremonial, begun by Washington, observed by all my predecessors,…

Sobre la Constitución y el rey Amadeo de Savoya

Decía yo, Sres. Diputados, discutiendo el dictamen de contestación al discurso de la Corona: por todas partes se nota…

Opening the Centennial Exhibition

My Countrymen,—It has been thought appropriate, upon this centennial occasion, to bring together in Philadelphia, for popular inspection, specimens…

You are the children of Abraham Lincoln

We fully comprehend the relation of Abraham Lincoln both to ourselves and to the white people of the United…

The Suez Canal

Sir, although, according to the noble Lord, we are going to give a unanimous vote, it cannot be denied…

Speech in Dundee

My Lord Provost, my Lords, and gentlemen, I feel very proud of the kindness shown to me by the…

Manifiesto contra Alfonso XII

ESPAÑOLES: La Revolucion, que vive la mentira, al proclamar Rey de España, á un Príncipe de mi familia, pretende absurdas…