
II Confrencia mundial de mujeres comunistas

Camaradas: Estamos sesionando (esta Conferencia de Mujeres Comunistas y el presente Congreso de la Internacional Comunista) y realizando nuestro trabajo…

Los novios de la muerte

¡Caballeros legionarios! Sí. ¡Caballeros del Tercio de España, sucesor de aquellos viejos Tercios de Flandes. ¡Caballeros!… Hay gente que…

Victory of the Aryan or victory of the Jew

After the War, production had begun again and it was thought that better times were coming. Frederick the Great…

Inaugural Adress

My Countrymen: WHEN one surveys the world about him after the great storm, noting the marks of…

Prima fase dell’unità d’Italia: fascismo

Io non vi considero, o triestini, come degli italiani ai quali non si può dire ancora la verità o…

The Palestin question

Among these difficulties I am not sure that I do not rate highest, or at all events first, the…

Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination

Chairman Lodge, Members of the Notification Committee, Members of the National Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen: The message which you have…

Quinto anniversario della nostra entrata in guerra

Le parole, in determinati momenti, possono essere dei fatti. Supponiamo dunque e facciamo sì che tutte le parole pronunziate…

Readjustment speech

My countrymen, there isn’t anything the matter with the world’s civilization except that humanity is viewing it through a…

For the Soviet Ukraine!

A terrible danger is advancing upon the Soviet Ukraine from the West, from Poland. The Polish gentry have already…