
Intimate Politics: Publicity, Privacy and the Personal Lives of Politicians in Media Saturated Democracies

It is often remarked that politicians private lives are becoming a feature of political communication in many advanced industrial…

Gender and the American Presidency: Nine Presidential Women and the Barriers They Faced: Nine Presidential Women and the Barriers They Faced

Gender and the American Presidency: Nine Presidential Women and the Barriers They Faced, by Theodore F. Sheckels, Nichola D….

The Social Basis of the Rational Citizen: How Political Communication in Social Networks Improves Civic Competence

Social networking lies at the heart of a number of fascinating political questions and social concerns, including citizen competence,…

Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics

Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in the Age of Confessional Politics analyzes religious rhetoric in presidential campaigns from 1976-2008, proposing a…

The Rhetoric of Soft Power: Public Diplomacy in Global Contexts

The Rhetoric of Soft Power: Public Diplomacy in Global Contexts provides new insight into the global growth of the…

Communicator-In-Chief: How Barack Obama Used New Media Technology to Win the White House

Communicator-in-Chief examines the role of new media technologies such as e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, blogs, video games, texting…

Centrist Rhetoric: The Production of Political Transcendence in the Clinton Presidency

Focused on the centrist rhetoric of President Bill Clinton, Centrist Rhetoric explores questions about the basic nature and function…

Felipe González. La ambición que cambió España

Felipe González representó durante la Transición española el deseo de cambio que la sociedad española había manifestado tras la…

Líderes Políticos, Opinión Pública y Comportamiento Electoral en España

Este es el primer libro que estudia de forma sistemática y en profundidad los orígenes y las consecuencias de…

¿Me hablas a mí?: La retórica desde Aristóteles hasta Obama

La retórica está por todas partes. Cuando se hace una presentación ante un cliente importante, cuando un entrenador habla…