Categoría: Retórica
Retórica y comunicación política
en RetóricaExcelente estudio sobre los conceptos de comunicación política y retórica política desde el punto de vista histórico, que dedica una atención especial al análisis del lenguaje del discurso retórico político actual. [amazon_link asins=’8437617871′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’beerpoli-21′ marketplace=’ES’ link_id=’87bbfc16-6739-11e7-ad9d-05d689332976′]
Discursos ante la asamblea
Demóstenes (384-322 a.C.) es un autor imprescindible de la literatura clásica. Considerado una de las cimas de la oratoria de todos los tiempos, y de dilatada influencia posterior, sus vehementes discursos políticos a la Asamblea ateniense representan el último esfuerzo de Grecia por salvaguardar sus valores democráticos frente a la amenaza que suponía el rey…
El arte de Callar
Demasiado a menudo olvidamos que un ser que habla es también un ser capaz de «producir silencio», y para recordarlo están los tratados de retórica de los siglos XVI y XVII. El arte de hablar es sin duda un arte excelente, pero ¿quién nos enseña el arte de guardar silencio? Paradójicamente, El arte de callar…
Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear
In Words That Work, Luntz offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the tactical use of words and phrases affects what we buy, who we vote for, and even what we believe in. With chapters like «The Ten Rules of Successful Communication» and «The 21 Words and Phrases for the 21st Century,» he examines how choosing…
The Rhetoric of American Civil Religion: Symbols, Sinners, and Saints
The Rhetoric of American Civil Religion examines the rhetoric of the Founding Fathers, activists, presidents, and contemporary actors who play a large role in helping to define American civil religion. These rhetorical analyses demonstrate how America’s civil religion is forged through the constant contestations of its beliefs, rituals, places, events, and myths by different groups…
Hate on the Right: Right-Wing Political Groups and Hate Speech
This book examines the ways that hatred comes alive in language and discourse. It asks whether much of the discourse on the political right – that which attacks their enemies – is hate speech. Extending Michael Waltman’s previous work on hate speech, this book examines the discourse and language produced by a variety of right-wing…
Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics
Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in the Age of Confessional Politics analyzes religious rhetoric in presidential campaigns from 1976-2008, proposing a confessional political style successful candidates must employ that differs sharply from earlier ideals of civic piety. Brian T. Kaylor also considers changes in American society that helped create this confessional political system and critiques the problems…
The Rhetoric of Soft Power: Public Diplomacy in Global Contexts
The Rhetoric of Soft Power: Public Diplomacy in Global Contexts provides new insight into the global growth of the soft power concept, through a comprehensive, comparative analysis of public diplomacy and strategic communication initiatives. The book addresses the interdisciplinary implications of soft power, that draws together insights from international communication and international relations research, in…
Centrist Rhetoric: The Production of Political Transcendence in the Clinton Presidency
Focused on the centrist rhetoric of President Bill Clinton, Centrist Rhetoric explores questions about the basic nature and function of pleas to transcend partisan division. Using close textual analysis in the context of a broader theoretical argument about rhetoric, democracy, and transcendence, this book promises a fresh approach to dealing with the contradictions inherent to…
Discursos que inspiraron la historia
en RetóricaLas palabras son armas poderosas. Pueden servir para inspirar o para exaltar, para proporcionar consuelo o generar confrontación, para conseguir la victoria o forzar la rendición. Y, con frecuencia, la mejor de las retóricas, en boca de los maestros de este arte, consigue exaltar al más insensible de los oyentes. En un espectro temporal que…