Categoría: Discursos

  • Speech by President Trump on Iran

    DONALD TRUMP As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. Good morning. I’m pleased to inform you: The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. We suffered no casualties, all…

  • Discurso de investidura de Pedro Sánchez

    PEDRO SÁNCHEZ Señora Presidenta, Señoras y señores Diputados, Buenos días, En los últimos cuatro años España ha carecido de un Gobierno en plenitud de facultades durante un total de año y medio. Un país sin Gobierno con plenas facultades es un país desprovisto de herramientas para abordar sus problemas y para encarar los desafíos de…

  • Elizabeth II. Queen’s Speech December 2019

    My Lords and Members of the House of Commons. My Government’s priority is to deliver the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on 31 January. My Ministers will bring forward legislation to ensure the United Kingdom’s exit on that date and to make the most of the opportunities that this brings for all the…

  • Discurso de Navidad de Felipe VI

    B​uenas noches, Hace cinco años tuve el honor, por primera vez como Rey, de felicitaros la Navidad y de transmitiros un mensaje de afecto y buenos deseos para el nuevo año. Un mensaje también de compromiso con mi vocación de servir a España con lealtad, responsabilidad y total entrega. Por tanto, os agradezco que me…

  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Christmas speech

    Hi folks, Boris Johnson here, taking a moment to wish you all a merry little Christmas. It’s that special time of year when, whatever has gone before, we can take an opportunity to celebrate all that is good in the world and to spend time with our friends and family. Christmas Day is, first and…

  • On the impeachment. Donald Trump

    Dear Madam Speaker: I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives.  This impeachment represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by Democrat Lawmakers, unequaled in nearly two and a half centuries of American legislative history. The Articles…

  • Boris Johnson’s first speech upon returning to Downing Street

    This morning I went to Buckingham Palace and I am forming a new government and on Monday MPs will arrive at Westminster to form a new parliament and I am proud to say that members of our new one nation government – a people’s government – will set out from constituencies that have never returned…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel on the 10th anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation

    ANGELA MERKEL Prime Minister, Director, Excellencies, Above all, survivors, Ladies and gentlemen, To stand here today and address you as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is far from easy. I am filled with a deep shame at the barbaric crimes committed here by Germans, crimes that defy all comprehension. One ought actually to…

  • Donald Trump’s speech to Troops at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

    Well, thank you very much. (Applause.) That was great. And we just had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. I thought I was going to be having it someplace else, and Senator Barrasso is a great friend of mine, and he said, “That’ll be great if we did it.” I said, “You come with me, John.” And…

  • Narendra Modi’s speech to nation following SC verdict on Ayodhya

    My fellow citizens, I was in Punjab through the day. Upon landing back in Delhi, I thought I should directly communicate with all of you. Today, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has given its verdict on a very important issue, which has a history of several years. The entire country desired that this matter be heard…