Etiqueta: Mao Zedong
The Red Book
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung is a book of statements from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), the former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution. The most popular versions were printed in small sizes that could be easily carried…
Speech on Departure from Moscow
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG Dear Comrades and friends: This time in Moscow, Comrade Zhou Enlai, the members of the Chinese delegation, and I met with Generalissimo Stalin and other comrades in responsible positions in the Soviet government. It is difficult for me to express in words the complete understanding and deep friendship that was established between us…
El pueblo chino ya se ha puesto en pie
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG Señores delegados: se inaugura ahora la Conferencia Consultiva Política, tan ansiosamente esperada por el pueblo de todo el país. Nuestra conferencia reúne a más de seiscientos delegados, que representan a todos los partidos democráticos y organizaciones populares, al Ejército Popular de Liberación, a las diversas regiones y nacionalidades del país, así como a…
The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG We have had a very successful congress. We have done three things. First, we have decided on the line of our Party, which is boldly to mobilize the masses and expand the people’s forces so that, under the leadership of our Party, they will defeat the Japanese aggressors, liberate the whole people and…
The united front in cultural work
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG The purpose of all our work is the overthrow of Japanese imperialism. Like Hitler, Japanese imperialism is approaching its doom. But we must continue our efforts, for only so can we achieve its final overthrow. In our work the war comes first, then production, then cultural work. An army without culture is a…
Serve the people
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG Our Communist Party and the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies led by our Party are battalions of the revolution. These battalions of ours are wholly dedicated to the liberation of the people and work entirely in the people’s interests. Comrade Chang Szu-teh [1] was in the ranks of these battalions. All men…
Japanese out of China Speech
en DiscursosMAO ZEDONG What I want to say to you, Comrades, is that, in short. the success of this great enterprise is due to [our] overcoming difficulties and uniting with the masses. The experience of the struggle in the past ten years. the cave [-buildings] you have dug, and the future course of the Resistance War…