Etiqueta: Angela Merkel

  • Todo lo que quieres saber sobre Angela Merkel

    XAVIER PEYTIBI El próximo domingo, 26 de septiembre, tendrán lugar las elecciones alemanas y serán el inicio de una nueva era, y el final de la era Merkel. La Canciller alemana, nombrada el Desde el 22 de noviembre de 2005. Desde B&P hemos querido tener en una sola página todo lo que podemos conocer sobre…

  • Una Europa sin Merkel

    ROGER ROSICH Todos la echaremos de menos. Su liderazgo, sus valores, su capacidad de gestión, su consistencia política. Angela Merkel se va. Se nos está yendo. Dieciséis años al mando en los que lo ha sido todo en referencia a Europa: la primera mujer a liderar la gran nación alemana, la cara fría de la…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel on the 10th anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation

    ANGELA MERKEL Prime Minister, Director, Excellencies, Above all, survivors, Ladies and gentlemen, To stand here today and address you as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is far from easy. I am filled with a deep shame at the barbaric crimes committed here by Germans, crimes that defy all comprehension. One ought actually to…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the reception for the Diplomatic Corps

    ANGELA MERKEL Nuncio, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be able to offer all of you a warm welcome to Schloss Meseberg. When we met here last year, I talked about the fact that we are living through turbulent times. Little has changed in this respect to this day – we need only to think of the many…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the 55th Munich Security Conference

    ANGELA MERKEL Presidents, Esteemed colleagues, Esteemed colleagues from the parliaments, Mr Ischinger, Ladies and gentlemen, And, of course, allow me also to welcome the Minister-President of the Free State of Bavaria. I believe that Munich is an excellent city to host this conference. Bavaria’s strength is on display in a very special way here. We have other…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin

    ANGELA MERKEL Julia, Ministers, Commissioners, State Secretaries, On behalf of the entire Federal Government, I would like to welcome you to this special event here at the International Green Week in Berlin. The fact that so many of you have come here shows the willingness to work together and to tap into the agricultural sector’s innovation potential.…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel to the European Parliament

    ANGELA MERKEL President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Members of Parliament, Commissioners, Ladies and gentlemen, Nearly 50 years ago, Walter Hallstein, the former German Commission President, referred to European integration as an “endeavour of unparalleled boldness”. The year was 1969, ten years before the first direct European elections took…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel on the Centenary of women’s suffrage

    ANGELA MERKEL Federal Minister Giffey, Minister-President, Former Women’s and Family Ministers, Parliamentary State Secretaries, State Secretaries, Mayors, Ladies and gentlemen, When Marie Juchacz, about whom we have already heard today, became the first woman to give a speech in the National Assembly in February 1919, she began by saying “Gentlemen and ladies”. Merely addressing the…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the World Health Summit

    ANGELA MERKEL Prime Minister, my friend Erna Solberg, Director-General Tedros, My friend Bill Gates, Professor Ganten, Fellow members of the Bundestag, My colleague Gerd Müller, Ladies and gentlemen, Health – who doesn’t wish for it? There is hardly any other issue that people are more concerned about, precisely because it affects each and every one…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the COP23 in Bonn

    ANGELA MERKEL Mr Chairman, Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr President – Emmanuel Macron, Ministers, guests, Excellencies, I would like to welcome all of you to Bonn and thus to the Federal Republic of Germany. We are very proud that the seat of the UNFCCC Secretariat is here in Bonn. We are meeting here…