
Elecciones USA’12: los 12 factores decisivos

Un análisis sobre los que han sido los 12 factores decisivos que han supuesto, finalmente, la reelección de Barack…

Andalucía, la aldea gala

Una semana antes de las elecciones andaluzas se publicaron hasta un total de cuatro encuestas en diferentes medios de…

La nueva imagen demócrata con Jimmy Carter

James E. (Jimmy) Carter representa a una de las figuras vivas del stateman de nuestro siglo. Candidato demócrata, Presidente…

Secretos de campaña

El 9 de marzo de 2008 se celebraron elecciones generales en España. Los dos partidos mayoritarios llevan días, meses,…

Storia politica della Repubblica. 1943-2006: Partiti, movimenti e istituzioni

Da garanti del nuovo ordine democratico, costruito dopo la tempesta della guerra e i vent’anni di dittatura fascista, i…

The Conservative Party: From Thatcher to Cameron

The Conservatives are back, and back with a bang ? two election wins in a row and, providing they…

Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea

On 18 April 1947, British forces set off the largest non-nuclear explosion in history. The target was a small…

The Triumph of William McKinley: Why the Election of 1896 Still Matters

A fresh look at President William McKinley from New York Times bestselling author and political mastermind Karl Rove—“a rousing…

Whistle Stop: How 31,000 Miles of train travel saved the Presidency of Harry Truman

President Harry Truman was a disappointment to the Democrats, and a godsend to the Republicans. Every attempt to paint…

Truman’s Whistle-stop Campaign

Faced with the likely loss of the 1948 presidential elections, Harry S. Truman decided to do what he did…