Categoría: Historia

  • Elecciones USA’12: los 12 factores decisivos

    Un análisis sobre los que han sido los 12 factores decisivos que han supuesto, finalmente, la reelección de Barack Obama como presidente de los Estados Unidos. Una reflexión que destaca lo más relevante de las elecciones norteamericanas 2012, a partir de los 27 artículos publicados en El Periódico de Catalunya (durante la campaña electoral), de…

  • Andalucía, la aldea gala

    Una semana antes de las elecciones andaluzas se publicaron hasta un total de cuatro encuestas en diferentes medios de comunicación, otorgando todas ellas la mayoría absoluta al PP en esos comicios. Ese mismo día, Mariano Rajoy terminó su mitin en Cádiz felicitando a Javier Arenas «por adelantado» por la victoria. Siete días después, el PP…

  • La nueva imagen demócrata con Jimmy Carter

    James E. (Jimmy) Carter representa a una de las figuras vivas del stateman de nuestro siglo. Candidato demócrata, Presidente de los Estados Unidos (1977-1981) y Premio Nobel de la Paz, su trayectoria hacia la nominación en clara carrera de frontrunner, su emotiva retórica y el uso de viejas y nuevas estrategias de comunicación política le…

  • Secretos de campaña

    El 9 de marzo de 2008 se celebraron elecciones generales en España. Los dos partidos mayoritarios llevan días, meses, preparando sus estrategias. Encerrados en sus laboratorios, los comités electorales del pp y el psoe intentan poner el cascabel al gato: esa masa apolítica y desafecta, profundamente desencantada con las siglas políticas, que decantará la balanza.…

  • Storia politica della Repubblica. 1943-2006: Partiti, movimenti e istituzioni

    Da garanti del nuovo ordine democratico, costruito dopo la tempesta della guerra e i vent’anni di dittatura fascista, i partiti hanno svolto a lungo una funzione cardine, fino a identificarsi con lo stesso Stato e ad accreditare un’equazione distorta, come estrema difesa di un ceto politico sempre più delegittimato: democrazia uguale regime partitico. Con la…

  • The Triumph of William McKinley: Why the Election of 1896 Still Matters

    A fresh look at President William McKinley from New York Times bestselling author and political mastermind Karl Rove—“a rousing tale told by a master storyteller whose love of politics, campaigning, and combat shines through on every page” (Doris Kearns Goodwin, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Team of Rivals). The 1896 political environment resembles that of today:…

  • Whistle Stop: How 31,000 Miles of train travel saved the Presidency of Harry Truman

    President Harry Truman was a disappointment to the Democrats, and a godsend to the Republicans. Every attempt to paint Truman with the grace, charm, and grandeur of Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been a dismal failure: Truman’s virtues were simpler, plainer, more direct. The challenges he faced-stirrings of civil rights and southern resentment at home, and…

  • Truman’s Whistle-stop Campaign

    Faced with the likely loss of the 1948 presidential elections, Harry S. Truman decided to do what he did best: talk straight. When Truman boarded the train to head west in June 1948, he and his campaign advisors decided to shift from prepared text to extemporaneous stump speeches. The «new Truman» emerged as a feisty,…

  • Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election

    This book offers a unique exploration of the 2015 General Election from the perspectives of those most intimately involved as strategists, journalists and analysts. It features contributions from the rival parties, news and polling organizations as well as academic experts who examine all aspects of the campaign. A common theme that emerges is the increasing…

  • The Rhetoric of American Civil Religion: Symbols, Sinners, and Saints

    The Rhetoric of American Civil Religion examines the rhetoric of the Founding Fathers, activists, presidents, and contemporary actors who play a large role in helping to define American civil religion. These rhetorical analyses demonstrate how America’s civil religion is forged through the constant contestations of its beliefs, rituals, places, events, and myths by different groups…