Categoría: Campañas electorales
Explica’t amb una història
El llibre és l’aventura d’un polític local que vol descobrir com pot escriure el seu propi relat polític. És una introducció al món de l’storytelling a través d’una història personal. Aquest llibre narra en un format entretingut i entenedor les claus que ha de tenir qualsevol relat que vulgui comunicar amb eficàcia. Són onze consells…
Storytelling, la maquina de fabricar historias y formatear las mentes
en RelatoCHRISTIAN SALMON La mejor explicación posible sobre cómo se construye la imagen de la actualidad. Christian Salmon desvela cómo una buena historia es la nueva arma de distracción masiva que los políticos utilizan para vender sus mensajes al público. Un libro de cabecera para entender cómo se construye la imagen de la actualidad: la narración…
L’estratègia electoral
Les campanyes electorals del segle XXI són molt complexes i es lliuren en múltiples fronts i durant molt temps. S’escenifiquen a través dels mitjans de comunicació, però això només és una petita part, la visible, d’un engranatge d’estratègia electoral dissenyat al mil·límetre. Aquest llibre és un bon aliat per a tots aquells que volen construir…
Le 100 Leggi del Marketing Politico
In un momento storico in cui i politici vengono definiti come ‘tutti uguali’, come è possibile differenziarsi e conquistare il consenso degli elettori ormai sfiduciati? E’ questa la domanda che per tanti anni ha tormentato Matteo Spigolon e lo ha spinto ad abbandonare la politica attiva per dedicarsi completamente alla ricerca della soluzione, custodita da…
La comunicazione non verbale
La comunicazione non verbale ci consente di condividere con i nostri interlocutori un’ampia gamma di contenuti, a prescindere dall’uso delle parole. Può essere considerata come un «linguaggio del corpo» e un elemento di base della comunicazione faccia a faccia; nell’epoca attuale assume una rilevanza particolare grazie al rapido sviluppo di nuove tecnologie di comunicazione che…
Truman’s Whistle-stop Campaign
Faced with the likely loss of the 1948 presidential elections, Harry S. Truman decided to do what he did best: talk straight. When Truman boarded the train to head west in June 1948, he and his campaign advisors decided to shift from prepared text to extemporaneous stump speeches. The «new Truman» emerged as a feisty,…
Campaigning for Hearts and Minds: How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work
It is common knowledge that televised political ads are meant to appeal to voters’ emotions, yet little is known about how or if these tactics actually work. Ted Brader’s innovative book is the first scientific study to examine the effects that these emotional appeals in political advertising have on voter decision-making. At the heart of…
The Political Mind: A Cognitive Scientist’s Guide to Your Brain and Its Politics
One of the world ‘s best-known linguists and cognitive scientists, George Lakoff has a knack for making science make sense for general readers. In his new book, Lakoff spells out what cognitive science has discovered about reason, and reveals that human reason is far more interesting than we thought it was. Reason is physical, mostly…
Campaign Craft: The Strategies, Tactics, and Art of Political Campaign Management
A lively, comprehensive exploration of modern political campaign management in the Internet age, based on real-world practices and results of the 2006 and 2008 campaigns. * A complete chronology details the evolution of modern campaign management * Illustrations throughout the text help bring topics to life * Clear concept maps clarify various targeting techniques *…
Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election
This book offers a unique exploration of the 2015 General Election from the perspectives of those most intimately involved as strategists, journalists and analysts. It features contributions from the rival parties, news and polling organizations as well as academic experts who examine all aspects of the campaign. A common theme that emerges is the increasing…