Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Discours Emmanuel Macron à la nouvelle génération agricole

    EMMANUEL MACRON Bonjour chers Amis, Mesdames, Messieurs les Ministres, Mesdames, Messieurs les Représentants, les Responsables, Mesdames, Messieurs les Parlementaires, Mesdames, Messieurs, chers Amis, Je suis très heureux de vous recevoir dans ce lieu et j’espère inaugurer une nouvelle tradition que nous allons poursuivre année après année au-delà de ce qui était jusqu’alors prévu et qui…

  • The right education for everyone. Theresa May speech

    THERESA MAY I took my very first steps into elected politics as a local councillor, in south London. For two years I was the chairman of the education authority in Merton. It was an experience I will never forget. I saw how vital good schools and colleges are to a community. How the hopes and…

  • Cyril Ramaphosa speech as the new president of the Republic of South Africa

    CYRIL RAMAPHOSA Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete, Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Ms Thandi Modise, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP, Former President Thabo Mbeki, Former Deputy President FW de Klerk, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and all esteemed members of the judiciary, Ministers and…

  • Theresa May speech in Beijing

    THERESA MAY Thank you, thank you very much, Ambassador. And I would like to echo your comments about how great it is to see so many people here, both of the business delegation that I have brought over with me, but also friends here in China, who are doing so much to help to build…

  • Discurso de Mauricio Macri sobre la reducción de cargos políticos en el Poder Ejecutivo

    MAURICIO MACRI Buenos días a todos, gracias por acompañarnos esta mañana. Buenos días queridos ministros, que nos reencontramos después de unos días. La verdad que a mí me pone muy contento volver a la Argentina después de representarlos en este caso en Davos, Rusia, Francia, y para mí es un enorme orgullo cada vez que…

  • Discours d’Emmanuel Macron au Forum économique mondial de Davos

    EMMANUEL MACRON Merci beaucoup Professeur, cher Klaus. Laissez-moi aussi saluer les vice-présidentes de ce Forum, puisque c’est le choix, je pense, heureux, fort que vous avez fait pour cette année et je salue donc nos vice-présidentes en même temps que les chefs d’État et de Gouvernement ici présents et tous les amis que nous avons…

  • Theresa May speech on the environment

    THERESA MAY It is wonderful to be here at the Wetland Centre – a true oasis in the heart of London. In our election manifesto last year we made an important pledge: to make ours the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than we found it. As we leave the…

  • Discurso de Navidad de Felipe VI

    B​uenas noches, Me dirijo a todos vosotros para felicitaros la Navidad y transmitiros junto a la Reina, la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Sofía nuestros mejores deseos para el año 2018. Y os agradezco que en esta noche de encuentro de familias y de seres queridos, me permitáis acompañaros unos minutos para compartir con…

  • Theresa May Statement on EU negotiations

    THERESA MAY With permission Mr Speaker, I would like to update the House on the negotiations for our departure from the European Union. On Friday morning the government and the European Commission published a Joint Report on progress during the first phase. On the basis of this report – and following the discussions I held…

  • Attack in New York City. Donald Trump speech

    DONALD TRUMP Today’s attempted mass murder attack in New York City—the second terror attack in New York in the last two months—once again highlights the urgent need for Congress to enact legislative reforms to protect the American people. First and foremost, as I have been saying since I first announced my candidacy for President, America…