Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Discurso en la noche electoral de las PASO

    MAURICIO MACRI Cambiemos es mucho más que un acuerdo entre tres dirigentes. Cambiemos es mucho más que un acuerdo entre tres partidos políticos. Cambiemos representa una nueva visión de nuestro querido país, que incluye a una mayoría de argentinos que sentimos que podemos vivir mejor, que merecemos vivir mejor. Que podemos realizar nuestros sueños. Y…

  • Iran Nuclear Deal

    BARACK OBAMA Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. Everybody, please have a seat. Thank you very much. I apologize for the slight delay. Even Presidents have problems with toner. (Laughter.) It is a great honor to be back at American University, which has prepared generations of young people for service in public life. I…

  • Discurso en la noche electoral del ballotage porteño

    MAURICIO MACRI Gracias! un millón de gracias a los maravillosos vecinos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires que, una vez más, nos dieron su apoyo. De corazón. Ustedes fueron los que conversaron con nosotros todos estos años. Y así nos permitieron mejorar. Por el bien de la Ciudad. Y quiero decirles que esta nueva muestra…

  • Les Grecs ont montré leur détermination à rester dans la Zone Euro

    FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Les Grecs viennent d’adresser leurs propositions, elles étaient attendues. Les Grecs viennent de montrer une détermination à vouloir rester dans la zone euro parce que le programme qu’ils présentent est sérieux et crédible. Ensuite, parce qu’ils vont le soumettre au Parlement, ce qui montrera de la force, de l’engagement et je le dis,…

  • Speech to the European Parliament

    ALEXIS TSIPRAS Thank you very much Mr. President. Honorable Members of Parliament, it is an honor for me to speak in this veritable temple of European democracy. Thank you very much for the invitation. I am honored to address the elected representatives of the peoples of Europe, at a critical time both for my country–for…

  • Speech to Parliament regarding the July 5th referendum

    ALEXIS TSIPRAS Ladies and gentlemen Members of Parliament, Today’s meeting has historical significance. I could take time to answer the Leader of the Opposition, but I don’t think it makes any sense to do so—given the important historical nature of the issue before us. A petty confrontation would serve no purpose. There isn’t a single…

  • The referendum on the 5th of July

    ALEXIS TSIPRAS Greek citizens, For the last six months, the Greek government has been waging a battle under conditions of unprecedented economic asphyxiation, in order to implement your mandate, that of January 25th. The mandate to negotiate with our partners to bring about an end austerity, and for prosperity and social justice to return to…

  • On the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

    BARACK OBAMA Good morning. Our nation was founded on a bedrock principle that we are all created equal. The project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words with the realities of changing times — a never-ending quest to ensure those words ring true for every single American. Progress on this…

  • Attentat en Isère

    FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Mesdames, Messieurs, Je suis sorti du Conseil européen, qui a commencé d’ailleurs alors que l’on apprenait l’attentat qui a eu lieu ce matin, juste avant 10 h 00, à Saint-Quentin-Fallavier dans l’Isère. Cet attentat, c’est un véhicule conduit par une personne, peut-être accompagnée d’une autre, et qui, à vive allure, se projette sur…

  • Presidential Announcement Speech

    DONALD TRUMP Wow. Whoa. That is some group of people. Thousands. So nice, thank you very much. That’s really nice. Thank you. It’s great to be at Trump Tower. It’s great to be in a wonderful city, New York. And it’s an honor to have everybody here. This is beyond anybody’s expectations. There’s been no…