Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Discurso de Navidad de Felipe VI

    B​uenas noches. En estas horas de la Navidad quiero desearos, junto a la Reina y nuestras hijas Leonor y Sofía, unas felices fiestas y nuestra esperanza de que el 2017 sea un año mejor para todos. Y en una noche como la de hoy, a tantas familias que han sufrido las recientes inundaciones en nuestro…

  • Discorso de Matteo Renzi dopo la sconfitta al referendum costituzionale

    MATTEO RENZI Oggi il popolo italiano ha parlato, ha parlato in modo inequivocabile. Ha scelto in modo chiaro e netto e credo che sia stata una grande festa per la democrazia. Le percentuali di affluenza sono state superiori a tutte le attese. È stata una festa che si è svolta in un contesto segnato da…

  • Hillary Clinton Concession speech

    HILLARY CLINTON Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you so much. A very rowdy group. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much for being here. I love you all, too. Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.…

  • Donald Trump’s Victory speech

    DONALD TRUMP Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much. I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean, she fought…

  • Michelle Obama’s Speech. Remarks at Hillary for America Campaign Event in Winston-Salem (NC)

    MICHELLE OBAMA Well, hey there! (Applause.) You guys are pretty fired up, right? (Applause.) I like that. I like that. (Applause.) Wow. Well, let me start, of course, because Hillary’s mini tribute to me was — it’s taken me off of — it’s kind of thrown me a little bit. It was very generous. But…

  • Vladimir Putin’s speech. Opening of the seventh convocation of the State Duma

    VLADIMIR PUTIN Members of the State Duma, friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and congratulate you on the opening of the seventh convocation of the State Duma. Today in this hall, we have representatives of all the 85 Russian regions, including those elected in Crimea and Sevastopol. Our citizens have entrusted you…

  • Discurso de Juan Manuel Santos por el Premio Nobel de Paz

    JUAN MANUEL SANTOS Agradezco infinitamente y de todo corazón esta honrosa distinción. La recibo, no a nombre mío, sino a nombre de todos los colombianos, en especial de las millones de víctimas que ha dejado este conflicto que hemos sufrido a lo largo de más de 50 años. Colombianos, este premio es de ustedes”. Es…

  • Theresa May’s speech. Conservative conference speech on Brexit

    THERESA MAY 81 days ago, I stood in front of Ten Downing Street for the first time as Prime Minister, and I made a promise to the country. I said that the Government I lead will be driven not by the interests of a privileged few, but by the interests of ordinary, working-class families. People…

  • Discurso de Juan Manuel Santos ante la Firma del Acuerdo Final de Paz

    JUAN MANUEL SANTOS ¡Oh gloria inmarcesible! ¡Oh júbilo inmortal! En surcos de dolores, el bien germina ya. En surcos de dolores¦ ¡La paz germina ya! Desde cuando Rafael Núñez escribió estas palabras, a mediados del siglo XIX, nunca habían tenido tanto sentido como ahora. Hemos vivido, hemos sufrido, por 52 años, un conflicto armado entre…

  • Discours de François Hollande devant l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies

    FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Monsieur le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs, C’est toujours un honneur de s’exprimer devant l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Mais c’est aussi une responsabilité surtout devant l’état grave, inquiétant, que connait le monde. Je suis devant vous au nom de la France pour lancer plusieurs appels : le premier, c’est de vous demander de tout…