Etiqueta: Warren G. Harding

  • Inaugural Adress

    My Countrymen: WHEN one surveys the world about him after the great storm, noting the marks of destruction and yet rejoicing in the ruggedness of the things which withstood it, if he is an American he breathes the clarified atmosphere with a strange mingling of regret and new hope. We have seen a world passion…

  • Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination

    Chairman Lodge, Members of the Notification Committee, Members of the National Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen: The message which you have formally conveyed brings to me a realization of responsibility which is not underestimated. It is a supreme task to interpret the covenant of a great political party, the activities of which are so woven into…

  • Readjustment speech

    My countrymen, there isn’t anything the matter with the world’s civilization except that humanity is viewing it through a vision impaired in a cataclysmal war. Poise has been disturbed, and nerves have been racked, and fever has rendered men irrational. Sometimes there have been draughts upon the dangerous cup of barbarity. Men have wandered far…