Etiqueta: Samuel L. Popkin
The Candidate: What It Takes to Win – and Hold – the White House
There are two winners in every presidential election campaign: The inevitable winner when it begins–such as Rudy Giuliani or Hillary Clinton in 2008–and the inevitable victor after it ends. In The Candidate, Samuel Popkin explains the difference between them. While plenty of political insiders have written about specific campaigns, only Popkin–drawing on a lifetime of presidential…
The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns
The Reasoning Voter is an insider’s look at campaigns, candidates, media, and voters that convincingly argues that voters make informed logical choices. Samuel L. Popkin analyzes three primary campaigns—Carter in 1976; Bush and Reagan in 1980; and Hart, Mondale, and Jackson in 1984—to arrive at a new model of the way voters sort through commercials and…