Etiqueta: Lord Arthur Balfour

  • The Palestin question

    Among these difficulties I am not sure that I do not rate highest, or at all events first, the inevitable difficulty of dealing with the Arab question as it presents itself within the limits of Palestine. It will require tact, it will require judgment, it will require above all sympathetic goodwill on the part both…

  • Response to the Wilson Addendum

    Many questions must be settled at the peace conference, but the question of Belgium is the best touchstone of the honesty of purpose of Central European diplomacy, and especially of German diplomacy. There is only one course for the offending nation in this case, namely, unconditional restoration and reparation. When was Belgium the jumping-off ground…

  • Allies war aims

    Is not this dwelling upon the word «only» one of the most unreasonable perversions of a public document? You say the task before us is war. Does that mean that the task of reconstruction is not also before us? Of course that is before us. Of course 174 the tasks before us are not only…

  • The Balfour declaration

    Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. «His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and…

  • The Oldest Free Assemblies (In US Congress)

    Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: Will you permit me on behalf of my friends and myself, to offer you my deepest and sincerest thanks for the rare and valued honor which you have done us by receiving us here today? We all feel the greatness of this honor but I…

  • Leader’s speech

    My Lord Derby, my lords, ladies, and gentlemen: I am not a stranger to this audience – (hear, hear) – nor do I re­quire any introduction, I hope, of an elaborate kind, either to my friends in Manchester or to the larger national gathering which is collected within these walls, and which represents every Conservative…

  • The Benefits of Reading

    Truly it is a subject for astonishment that, instead of expanding to the utmost the employment of this pleasure-giving faculty, so many persons should set themselves to work to limit its exercise by all kinds of arbitrary regulations. Some persons, for example, tell us that the acquisition of knowledge is all very well, but that…