Etiqueta: Josip Broz Tito

  • Speech at the First Congress of Worker’s Councils

    JOSIP BROZ TITO Comrade delegates, I am very happy to be able today to greet the participants of the First Congress of Workers Councils and to wish you all success in your work, both in your discussions and in the decisions you will take to promote production, for the benefit of the producers themselves and…

  • Speech in the Indian Parliament

    JOSIP BROZ TITO I take this opportunity, before this distinguished House, of greeting the representatives of the Indian people, and through you the whole people, and to express the goodwill which the people of my country harbour for the people of India. This goodwill has existed for a long time, but it reached its climax…

  • Concerning the National Question and Social Patriotism

    JOSIP BROZ TITO Comrades academicians, I am at a loss to find words to express my gratitude for the great honour I have received in being elected an honorary member of the Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences. Permit me at least to express my thanks and to say that I shall in the future…

  • Victory Day

    JOSIP BROZ TITO Peoples of Yugoslavia! Soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers! Workers, peasants, and citizens! Today, May 9th, exactly forty-nine months and three days after the fascist attack on Yugoslavia, the greatest aggressive power in Europe, Germany, capitulated. On May 8th, at 23,01 hours, the German High Command signed the act of capitulation in Berlin.…

  • Our Optimism and Faith

    JOSIP BROZ TITO EUROPEAN PEOPLES have passed through a terrible calvary under Nazi and Fascist occupation. Their deep belief in ideals of humanity, their desire for freedom and, above all, their belief in solidarity of democratic nations of the world have sustained them in their unflinching faith in the righteousness of the cause for which…

  • The First and Foremost Task is the Struggle Against the Invaders

    JOSIP BROZ TITO As the People’s Liberation Struggle intensifies and acquires ever wider proportions, as it becomes increasingly organized from the military standpoint and new victories are won, so does it become more complicated, requiring more flexibility and resourcefulness from Communist Party members in each specific situation. As a result of these factors, the concealed…

  • Terror by the Fascist Bandits

    JOSIP BROZ TITO THE savage murder of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes continues. It is not only hangmen of the forces of occupation who are participating in this extermination of the South Slavs, but domestic quislings as well. The establishment of the miserable puppet government, headed by that repulsive traitor to the Serbian people, that German…