Etiqueta: Joseph Stalin

  • Reply to Churchill

    In substance, Mr. Churchill now stands in the position of a firebrand of war. And Mr. Churchill is not alone here. He has friends not only in England but also in the United States of America. In this respect, one is reminded remarkably of Hitler and his friends. Hitler began to set war loose by…

  • A la salud de la gente rusa

    Quisiera proponer que bebamos a la salud de la gente soviética, y sobre todo de la gente rusa. Bebo sobre todo a la salud de la gente rusa porque es la más excepcional de todas las naciones que constituyan la Unión Soviética. Bebo a la salud de la gente rusa, porque, durante esta guerra, ha…

  • Victory over Germany

    The great day of victory over Germany has come. Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated and declared unconditional surrender. On May 7 the preliminary protocol on surrender was signed in the city of Rheims. On May 8 representatives of the German…

  • El ejército rojo

    ¡Camaradas de la Milicia Roja y marineros de la Armada Roja, comandantes y funcionarios políticos, guerrilleros de ambos sexos, campesinos y campesinas, trabajadores del intelecto! ¡Hermanos y hermanas sometidos temporalmente al yugo del opresor alemán! . Hoy, 1 de mayo, os saludo y felicito en nombre del Gobierno soviético y el partido bolchevique. Los pueblos…

  • On anniversary celebration of the October Revolution

    Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women workers, men and women collective farmers, intellectuals, brothers and sisters in the enemy rear who have temporarily fallen under the yoke of the German brigands, our glorious men and women guerrillas who are disrupting the rear of the German invaders! On…

  • The perfidious military attack by Hitlerite Germany

    Comrades, citizens, brothers and sisters, men of our Army and Navy! My words are addressed to you, dear friends! The perfidious military attack by Hitlerite Germany on our Fatherland, begun on June 22, is continuing. In spite of the heroic resistance of the Red Army, and although the enemy’s finest divisions and finest air force…

  • We must accept the German proposal

    The question of war and peace has entered a critical phase for us. Its solution depends entirely on the position which will be taken by the Soviet Union. We are absolutely convinced that if we conclude a mutual assistance pact with France and Great Britain, Germany will back off from Poland and seek a modus…

  • Sixth Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. (Bolsheviks)

    Comrades, the Central Committee’s report embraces its activities during the past two and a half months— May, June and the early half of July. The Central Committee’s activities in the month of May were directed along three lines. First, it issued the call for new elections to the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. The…